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”, “Snipe 'n' Rifle" and "Chaos Theory”. Almost immediately, the story spread on the internet, and The New York Times ran an article about it in May 1999. Other sources include “Taste this! The Valve Story Part 2”. References External links Snipe 'n' Rifle on Steam Chaos Theory on Steam The Stranger's Tale on Steam Category:1997 video games Category:Linux games Category:MacOS games Category:Video games developed in the United States Category:Windows games Category:Microsoft Windows games Category:SteamWorldQ: Rendering SVG in an iframe in a Chrome Extension I am trying to make an extension which will just show an SVG. However, I can't figure out how to render an SVG inside an iframe. I've tried to follow the instructions here, but it didn't seem to work. From the documentation of the Content Security Policy, it says that: "If the resource name has a protocol-relative (h-)URL, Chrome enforces the same-origin policy, so it won't load the resource (unless it has the same host name as the page)." I tried to remove the protocol from the URL: However, Chrome then told me that it's a cross origin policy violation. So, how to render an SVG inside an iframe which doesn't have a protocol? A: SVG is not valid in Content Security Policy as you mentionned. If you want to render it in an iframe without any problem, you should add it in the . Example: More informations here: Green SEO Tips to Increase the Traffic of Your Website The fact that we are living in the “green age” is one of the main reasons why you are reading this article. If you want to grow your business and receive the support that you need, you need to start using



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