The 6ft tall girl is 12-years-old. Photo source: Twitter/@Nayz100 Source: Twitter The lady added that seeing her sibling succeed as a model will be a big one for her.
As of the time of writing this report, the post has gathered 43,000 likes with numerous quoted responses.
Not only did people tell @Nayz100 how beautiful her sister is, but they also wished that all her dreams become realities.
Below are some of the reactions from people: @KristinWitTwoIs said: "She’s so pretty.
I want her dreams to come true IMMEDIATELY! SOMEONE COME SIGN HER NOWWWWWWW!" @yoitsthandie said: "How is she 12 looking like more of a woman than I do at 20 years old, good luck finding agencies she’s gonna do so well as a model!!" @blktinabelcher said:
"She’s this tall and she has dimples and is this gorgeous?! Who can we contact because she needs to be out on the runways by Christmas." @OhwGE said: "Gorgeous, all the best! She’s so tall. Do sign her up with a kids’ agency. Some of them can be exploitative." @partynextweexnd said: "She’s absolutely beautiful. I'm confident she’ll make it far. hope to see her on someone’s runway or magazine soon."